Invest in Our Planet!
Nature's Networks, Endangered Species, Clean Water, Ecology, and Our World!
Burke Museum's Traveling Museum - Nature's Networks - Interactive displays to show how all life is connected through ecosystems and biodiversity.
Puyallup Hatchery - "Salmon Life Cycle" and display.
Puyallup Tribe - Native stories about salmon and Native Art, environmental work by the tribe to save the Salmon, other endangered animals, restore our rivers, and Salish Sea.
Endangered Animals - Multiple activities and projects to explore and learn about why animals are going extinct. About habitat, adaptations of animals and plants. Enter the Endangered Species Art Contest!
Art Exhibit- US Artist Collective handmade prints about clean water and our natural resources. "Wellspring" and "Resourced"
Art Projects, science experiments, and our own exhibit of our natural world artifacts - There will be multiple hands-on ways you can learn how to keep our animals, water, resources, forests and climate healthy to Save Our Earth!!